Undergraduate Research Application

Basic Info

First name:

Last name:

Email Address:


Current class:
Gatech Student:
Work type preference:

Semesters expected to do work:

Agree to terms of 4 work hours per credit hour with a minimum of 2 credit hours (for credit not pay):

Attach resume:

Your application has been sent successfully!"; $message = "Name: $fname $lname\r\nEmail: $ename\r\nMajor: $major\r\nClass: $class\r\nGT Student?: $gtstud\r\nCitizen?: $citi\r\nWork Preference: $workpref\r\n# semesters expected to work: $numsems\r\nAgreed to the terms?: $terms\r\nResume:\r\n$data"; mail("narthurm@gmail.com", 'Resume received from form', $message,"From: donotreply@lieuwen.gatech.edu"); mail("dwu9@mail.gatech.edu", 'Resume received from form', $message,"From: donotreply@lieuwen.gatech.edu"); mail("cdouglas33@gatech.edu", 'Resume received from form', $message,"From: donotreply@lieuwen.gatech.edu"); mail("bemerson@gatech.edu", 'Resume received from form', $message,"From: donotreply@lieuwen.gatech.edu"); } else { echo "Error uploading resume!"; } break; } } ?>


Anything else?